Contoh SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) Perpustakaan. Silahkan Unduh!

Hai lurrr.... Yuk yuk yukkkk... dah lama nih Pustakawan Jogja kagak bahas tentang administrasi perpustakaan yaaa.... Beberapa dari temen-temen banyak nih yang tanya-tanya bagaiamana bikin SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) Perpustakaan. 

Apa itu SOP? Mengutip dari website Dishub Klaten, bahwa SOP atau Standard Operating Procedure adalah kumpulan peraturan, pedoman, atau acuan yang dibuat suatu perusahaan untuk melaksanakan tugas pekerjaan sesuai dengan fungsi dan tanggung jawab masing-masing individu dalam perusahaan, serta menjadi salah satu alat penilaian kinerja bagi instansi pemerintah maupun non-pemerintah, usaha maupun non-usaha, berdasarkan indikator-indikator teknis, administratif, dan prosedural sesuai tata kerja, prosedur kerja, dan sistem kerja pada unit kerja yang bersangkutan

Naaah kebetulan ini tadi Pustakawan Jogja dapat share file SOP Perpustakaan dari WAG. Yukkkssss bagi temen-temen yang butuh contoh SOP Perpustakaan, silahkan unduh di sini ya. Free alias gratis. Gak usah bayar ^_^

Silahkan diedit dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perpustakaan kalian ya Lurrr... Semoga bermanfaat.


Hello everyone!

It's been a while since we last discussed library administration. Recently, many friends have been asking about how to create a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for libraries.

What is an SOP?

According to the Klaten Transportation Agency's website, an SOP, or Standard Operating Procedure, is a set of rules, guidelines, or references established by a company to carry out tasks in accordance with each individual's functions and responsibilities. It also serves as a performance assessment tool for both government and non-governmental organizations, businesses, and non-business entities. This assessment is based on technical, administrative, and procedural indicators in line with the workflow, procedures, and system within the relevant work unit.

Coincidentally, we recently received a shared file of a Library SOP from a WhatsApp Group. For those who need an example of a Library SOP, feel free to download it here. It's free of charge, so no need to pay ^_^

Here are the SOPs available for download:

Feel free to edit and adjust them according to the needs of your library. Hope this is useful!

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